WordPress Maintenance Services

We handle small WordPress projects internally. For big projects we work with reputable partners.

Entrust us with the upkeep of your website and rest easy knowing it’s in capable hands. Your website represents your business, so you can’t risk it malfunctioning or lagging behind.

At Dazzolesy, we offer affordable WordPress maintenance services to streamline managing your website. From single repairs to ongoing support, our experts are ready to provide expert WordPress assistance. Our maintenance plans include all the necessary updates and optimizations to keep your website running at its optimal level.

Optimize performance: Daily and weekly tests to ensure optimal website performance. Uptime Monitoring: Continuously monitoring the website every 15 minutes to ensure proper function.

Speed optimization: Improving website loading speed through regular testing and industry tools.

Weekly check-ins: Regular testing to maintain top website performance.

Security and backups: We safeguard the stability of your website through regular updates, backups, and maintenance.

Weekly updates: Regularly testing and implementing updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins.

Staging: Creating a replica of your website for testing updates before committing them permanently.

Daily and weekly backups: Creating comprehensive backups of your website, which will be stored securely. Three months of backups will be kept on record.

Security checks: Continuously monitor your website for any malicious activity, such as corrupted files or hacking attempts, and promptly carrying out repairs as needed.

Technical support: We’re here to assist with any technical issues that may occur on your WordPress website, including contacting your hosting provider when needed.

WordPress maintenance services: Basically, we make sure your website is always running smoothly by keeping everything up-to-date, backing up your data, optimizing for performance, keeping an eye out for security threats, and being here to help with any technical issues that come up. That way, you can relax and focus on your content, knowing your website is in good hands.